Looking For A Seattle Volunteer Event? BINGO.

By United Way of King County, on August 7, 2017 | In Volunteering

Have you ever thought about looking for a Seattle volunteer event to join? Feel awkward, don’t know where to start, or don’t want to go it alone? Day & Night of Caring is for you, my friend.

Day & Night of Caring is Sept. 15. Mark it down! This event is when thousands of volunteers will be helping nonprofits all over King County AND when they’ll celebrate our community’s goodness at Night Out for Caring.

Some people are taking it all a step further. They’re raising money with United Way to end homelessness, help graduation rates and help families get on stable financial ground. Over $10,000 has been raised already in a super inspirational show of generosity, teamwork and sharing. Holy show of generosity!

Yes, it’s started. But fear not—you haven’t missed out.

We’re Stoked For Seattle U. Emerging Leaders!

You’re thinking, “Wow, that’s…specific.” But it’s real! Seattle University’s got peeps in our young professionals networking group, and they’re fundraising too. We love love love seeing teams of friends and coworkers joining forces to do good things for others. Start your fundraising page or team and you could be our next spotlight.

Why fundraise with Day & Night of Caring, when you can share any nonprofit’s giving page on Facebook any ol’ day of the year?

  1. Because Day & Night of Caring isn’t a one-off. This is a Seattle volunteer event for people who want to be part of something bigger. A collective movement of generosity and taking a stand against issues that a community like ours should be able to squash.
  2. Because competition makes magic happen. See if you can beat the Darigold team, the Car Toys team or the United Way teams! It’s all for great causes, so everyone wins.
  3. Because simply by fundraising or volunteering with Day & Night of Caring, you’re invited to the Night Out for Caring at The ‘Pen at Safeco Field.

Now, About This Fun Party

Night Out for Caring is Sept. 15 from 5–8 p.m. in The ‘Pen. That’s this outfield lookout spot at Safeco Field that always gets TV time during Mariners games and you’ve always wanted to sneak over to! Yes, there.

We’ll have free food (amazing food from Ethan Stowell Restaurants and more), beer and wine, special celeb appearances, and tons of fun activities and “wow, this is an amazing community!” moments. Bonus: Raise $200+ and you get VIP access to Night Out for Caring, including a sweet swag bag and access to your favorite Seattle sports players.

So if you’ve been on the fence about getting involved in your community, this is your Seattle volunteer event. This is a prime time to hop all the way over. Join us. Let’s prove how generous and fun our greater Seattle area really is.

Join Day & Night of Caring >>


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