Eliminating Misconceptions About Nutrition Program in a SNAP

By United Way of King County, on February 26, 2024 | In Breaking the Cycle of Poverty, News

This blog post was written by Leila Shahidi, United Way of King County AmeriCorps VISTA for food security innovation.

More food, less worry. SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) is necessary for thousands of families in Washington state, yet many are unaware they may qualify for this program.

SNAP is a federal assistance program that provides monthly benefits for low-income households to purchase groceries. Many people are discouraged from applying for SNAP due to misconceptions about the program.

About half of those who are income-eligible for SNAP do not receive the benefit. In response to the many misconceptions about SNAP circulating in the community, United Way of King County has begun a campaign to dispel the most common myths about this vital program.

United Way’s SNAP campaign flyers address the most common myths that keep eligible households from applying. For example, many undocumented immigrants are hesitant to apply for SNAP. Still, SNAP does not count toward public charge, and undocumented individuals can receive benefits on behalf of any household members with legal status (i.e. an undocumented mother could receive SNAP for her two children who were born in the United States).

Many people are discouraged from applying for SNAP due to misconceptions about the program. About half of those who are income-eligible for SNAP do not receive the benefit.

Leila Shahidi, United Way of King County AmeriCorps VISTA for food security innovation.

 Another common misconception is that receiving SNAP will be taking benefits away from a family that may be in more need of support, but there is no cap on the number of households that can participate, and all eligible households will receive benefits.

These myth-busting flyers are translated into six of the most common languages in Washington state—Spanish, Russian, Somali, Vietnamese, Amharic, and Chinese.

United Way’s SNAP campaign was created in partnership with WithinReach, a nonprofit organization in Washington state that helps families navigate complex social service programs. WithinReach’s insight regarding common misunderstandings of the SNAP program is what inspired this campaign and the languages chosen for the outreach materials.

All SNAP outreach materials include WithinReach’s call center number for households to use as a resource if they would like clarity or application assistance on SNAP or other federal assistance programs.

With a better understanding of what is commonly misunderstood by many households about SNAP benefits, United Way is working to break down barriers about the program. With high living and grocery costs, it is crucial that all eligible low-income households can receive SNAP. United Way is working toward its campaign goals by sharing SNAP campaign materials with as many households and communities in Washington state as possible.

Flyers will be distributed to schools, libraries, religious organizations, and more, to make the SNAP program, and other government assistance programs alike, as accessible as possible. Learn more about this work at HungerFreeWA.org/partners/SNAP.


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