Adding Value to Every Donated Dollar.
On average, 98 cents of every dollar you donate to United Way of King County goes directly to help people in our community and changes lives, thanks to the efficiency of our systems and an endowment fund started by the Gates family.
Begun by the Gates Foundation (Bill Gates Sr. played an instrumental role in creating and seeding this endowment) and generously funded by thousands of donors, the earnings of this endowment help us offset our administrative and operating costs, thereby making more of the funds we raise available to address our community’s critical needs.
*Figures below represent our fiscal year ending June 30, 2022
Fundraising and Management Expenses:
Total Fundraising and Management Expenses:
Income used to offset Fundraising and Management Expenses:
- Gates Administrative Endowment distribution: (6,953,547)
- Processing Fees: (132,185)
- In Kind Expense Donations: (5,845)
- Sponsorship of Events: (707,010)
- Adjusted Fundraising and Management Expenses: $1,871,051
Public Support Raised:
Total Public Support Raised:
Deduct non-annual fundraising income:
- Gates Administrative Endowment distribution: (6,746,694)
- Processing Fees: (150,980)
- Gains & Losses & Interest Earned: (0)
- Adjusted Public Support Raised: $96,616,694
Operating Ratio:
Operating Ratio After Offset: