Spend United Way's Day of Caring at FamilyWorks

Sep 23 9:00 AM-3:00 PM
1501 N 45th St, Seattle, 98103

Day of Caring is Seattle’s biggest volunteer event of the year, with tens of thousands of volunteers across King County lending a hand to hundreds of nonprofits. This year, Emerging Leaders will spend the day at FamilyWorks, a food bank and family resource center in Wallingford. FamilyWorks addresses not only the immediate need of hunger, but also works on a long-term scale to build a community where families are financially stable and have the support they need to rely and build on.

Emerging Leaders will be helping in all corners of the organization, from sprucing up office space to tidying the Resource Center playroom to sorting and packing food at the Food Bank. Join us – and thousands of others in the Seattle area – to spend a day fostering a better, stronger, more connected community. Email Cassandra to sign up today!

Want to get your friends and coworkers together to do your very own project for Day of Caring? Click here to learn more about being a Project Leader.


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