Fundraisers are hard at work to raise $10,000 to keep families in their homes this winter and fight food insecurities. We hope you will join us!
This peer-to-to peer fundraiser allows anyone to be a philanthropist and brings the entire Emerging Leaders 365 community together to have a collective impact on hunger & homelessness this winter.
You can throw a house party, lead a boot camp, host a karaoke night or simply create a fundraiser page to share with family and friends. How you fundraise is up to you and the possibilities are endless. Plus, the Emerging Leaders 365 committee will be with you throughout the process to make sure your fundraiser is a success!
When you sign up to create your Lead United for Equity page anyone can join in the fun and every dollar counts toward reaching our goal of $10,000.
- If just 12 of us came together to raise $100 each we could provide a family with weekly home delivery of groceries for a year through our DoorDash partnership.
- If just 20 of us came together to raise $250 each we could provide 33 sets of work clothes and shoes for people experiencing homelessness.
- If just 25 of us came together to raise $500 each we could aid in increasing access to healthy school meals for 180,000 students.
Can we do it? Microsoft thinks we can and they have agreed to match each donation up to $10,000.
We will walk you through the process of creating your page virtually on November 22 at 6:00 pm in our Lead United for Equity kick-off. —LET’S DO THIS!
Thanks to our Emerging Leaders 365 sponsor: