Join United Way of King County’s Emerging Leaders 365 program in honoring the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr in partnership with the Rainier Valley Food Bank!
For this project, we will re-paint the inside of the food bank, beautifying the center of our community. Volunteers make the food bank possible and they deserve to operate out of a space that reflects the beauty and diversity of our food bank family. The majority of the walls will be painted solid colors, but 1 or 2 walls will be dedicated to collaborative murals emphasizing our dedication to community and mutual support. Volunteers will be engaged through passing out fliers during our hours of operation and through word of mouth, communicating the date and time of the project. Volunteer roles will include taping, prepping, painting, and clean up.
Volunteers will also be invited to enjoy a pot-luck style meal afterwards in the food bank and to join with staff to discuss the importance of racial and social justice in the food bank.
This opportunity is for young professionals as part of our Emerging Leaders 365 program.