Support our Free Tax Preparation Campaign

Dec 13 6:00 PM-8:00 PM
United Way King County Building
720 Second Avenue, Seattle, 98104

Each year, United Way volunteers help thousands of low-income people prepare their taxes. For many clients, tax credits and refunds are critical to keeping food on the table and a roof overhead. Volunteers also connect people to savings opportunities and public benefits that they may not even know are available to them.

The Free Tax Preparation Campaign is part of a community-wide effort to help 50,000 people escape poverty by 2020. We know it works, and with your help we can continue to serve more people each year.

Join your fellow Emerging Leaders as we help sort and bundle outreach and informational materials for this year’s Free Tax Campaign.

Sign up to volunteer here.


You can also sign up to be a Free Tax Volunteer at our exclusive shift for Emerging Leaders on Tuesday evenings.

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