Volunteer and Learn: Create Artist Kits for Choose 180's Youth Art Therapy Program

May 20 11:00 AM-2:00 PM
1416 SW 151st St., Burien, 98166

Volunteer and Learn is an opportunity for a more in-depth volunteer experience. Participants learn from experts on the issue, then roll up their sleeves and help out as hands-on volunteers.

Choose 180 transforms systems of injustice and supports the young people who are too often impacted by these systems. They serve as an emergency room for young people in crisis and connect them to the resources and supports necessary to live out their commitment to CHOOSE 180. One of the services they provide is expressive art therapy – these classes serve as a creative outlet to help heal and confront trauma. Encouraging the youth to engage their senses and emotions, allows the youth to creatively connect our body and mind actively or visually. You’ll be a part of helping create and package individual art kits for students.

Saturday 5/20 (11AM-2PM) @ Choose180.

  • Volunteers will get an introduction to United Way’s investment in community-based organizations that fight the effects of structural and institutional racism. You’ll learn specifically about our Black Community Building Collective, a group of 15 Black nonprofit leaders that help determine where United way’s funding can support equitable recovery for the Black community.
  • You’ll also learn a little bit about Choose180 and the importance behind their art therapy.
  • After the educational segment, volunteers will be sorting through art materials to build individual kits for students participating in the art therapy classes.

By signing up for this project you are committing to participating in the educational and outreach component on Saturday, May 20.

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