5 Simple Ways You Can Impact Homelessness

By United Way of King County, on November 30, 2015 | In Fighting Homelessness

It’s the last day of Homelessness and Hunger Awareness Month, but that doesn’t mean you have to stop thinking about how you can make a positive impact. Here are five small things you can do to help people experiencing homelessness:

Purchase a bus pass for someone in need. Just one round-trip pass can mean a doctor visit, seeing family, or a job interview.

Say “Hello.” Make eye contact. People experiencing homelessness often say they feel invisible. Acknowledging those you see on the street helps them feel connected, and reminds them that they are not alone.

Carry an extra umbrella. These are fairly inexpensive at Bartell’s and other drug stores. Having one on hand to give to someone during these gray, rainy months can go a long way.

Stock up on granola bars and bottled water. A great option for those who prefer to give foodstuffs to those in need. Grab a case of water or non-perishable food next time you’re in the grocery store and keep it in the backseat of your car. When you’re stopped at an intersection or highway off ramp and see someone in need, you’ll be ready to help out.

Volunteer for our Free Tax Prep Program. This program provides individuals and families with tax refunds they can use to pay bills or put toward their child’s education – all without having to pay hefty preparation fees. You’ll help prevent homelessness and give people a leg up. There are also many people presently experiencing homelessness who continue to work. This program provides them with services they wouldn’t otherwise have the funds for, in addition to getting them a refund.


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