Congrats, Tiny Grads
Did you know that 3 in 4 low-income kids in our state are behind on their first day of school? Last month a bunch of cute graduates flipped that stat on its head, all thanks to you.
The Parent-Child Home Program is a national school-readiness program. And generous people like you have brought it right to our community.
The program engages low-income, isolated families when and where it counts most: in their homes when the kids are 2 and 3 years old.
Why start at 2? This is the key period of social, emotional and cognitive development.
A huge group of kiddos just graduated from the program. This includes the cutie pictured above, who was 1 of 30 from our partner Atlantic Street Center. And they were all smiles.
We have research about what comes next too. It shows that kids who complete this program are 30 percentage points more likely to graduate from high school than their peers. That’s an investment that benefits our entire community.
Why we do it: because that “3 in 4” stat we mentioned is huge. It means the kids aren’t able to hold a crayon, sit for circle time or express themselves with words. And it adds up to being behind their peers from day one.
Hear about how the program works and the value it provides straight from parents.
Thanks to you, the Parent-Child Home Program is now serving 1,000 families all over King County.