Young Pros Give Back to Young Kids at WestSide Baby
Guest blogger Liz Kent is a member of the Emerging Leader Marketing Committee for United Way. In her day job, Liz is the marketing and outreach coordinator for Sellen Construction. Check out the latest Emerging Leader second Saturday project she helped lead and how just a few hours can make an impact.
Being a parent is hard, but not knowing if you can provide diapers for your newborn or a winter jacket for your seven-year old makes life even more stressful. That is why United Way supports organizations like WestSide Baby, whose mission supports United Way’s focus on keeping families stable and helping people meet their basic needs.
Founded in 2001 by a new mom who understood the challenges facing low income families, WestSide Baby collects, inspects and distributes free diapers, clothing, shoes, cribs, toys and other basic necessities for babies and children.
Like many non-profits, WestSide Baby relies on volunteers to help sort, organize and put together items for distribution and our group of Emerging Leaders were excited to jump in and put our helping hands to work. We split into three groups: counting diapers for distribution, sorting clothing donations and assembling orders that would later be distributed at the partnering food banks, shelters and agencies.
Our four-hour shift went fast and I was surprised at how much our small group of ten was able to accomplish! We had fun and there were lots of laughs, but I never saw an idle hand. We were there to volunteer and even as the clock approached 1 p.m. and our assigned tasks were complete, many of our Emerging Leaders asked what more they could do. Hearing this gives me hope that young people will continue to use their time, energy and connections to give back to those who need it most.
Want to get in on volunteering events like this? Join Emerging Leaders by filling out the form below and you’ll be invited to second Saturday projects and other awesome young professional events like the Rooftop Happy Hour. This group is open to anyone in their 20s or 30s.