Census 2020

You Count

When you complete the 2020 Census, you help show our community’s strength. With representation and federal funding at stake, United Way of King County supports an accurate and inclusive census count.

The Census is still going—take it today so you are counted. You can complete the census online through October 31st.

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s clear how important it is that we are all counted. The Census is how the government knows where money is needed—for things like hospitals, schools, affordable housing, and transportation. It also determines how many representatives Washington state will have in Congress.


What is the census?

It’s how we count people living in the country— every resident, regardless of immigration status.

Is there a citizenship question?

No—the census has NO question about citizenship or immigration status.

Why is it important for the government to count people?

It’s how the government knows where money is needed—for things like hospitals, schools, affordable housing, and transportation. It also determines how many representatives Washington state will have in Congress

Why should I participate in the census?

When you complete the census, you make sure our community is fully represented in the data that determines how we’re funded and represented. Your participation helps your tax dollars come back to your community.

When is the census happening?

Starting March 12, people will receive letters in the mail with information about how to complete the census. You can complete it online through October 31. If you don’t have internet access or need help, there are places in your community to get support.

Who should be counted?

Every person living in your household as of April 1, 2020 should be counted on the census form. This includes children and babies born as of April 1 up to senior citizens, relatives and non-relatives, regardless of immigration status. If someone in your household spends time in more than one home, they should be counted where they live and sleep most of the time.

How do I complete the census?

The easiest way to complete the census is online at https://my2020census.gov/. You can also complete it over the phone or with a paper form.

Why it Matters

Once a decade, the census counts our population and households, providing the basis for reapportioning congressional seats, redistricting and distributing federal funds.

  • Each year, more than $675 billion is distributed based on census numbers.
  • These dollars impact everything from housing to education and health care.
  • Census 2020 will drive decisions until 2031.

Spread the word

Help our community count. You and your organization will play a critical role in helping us get a more fair and accurate count.

Why United Way?

United Way of King County is focused on building a community where people have homes, students graduate and families are financially stable. Federal funding is critical to make this happen.

Thanks to donor support, United Way is on the ground throughout King County every day helping families. Our staff and volunteers are at 30+ Free Tax Prep sites around the county and 9 college campuses—ready to spread the word on how to be counted in Census 2020.