Monday, January 18, 2021

If racial equity, social justice and service are values that your company shares, this event is for you. Thousands of volunteers come out each year to make MLK Day a day of service, a day to help others and a day to honor Dr. King’s legacy.

Thousands of volunteers honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy each year on this day of service. Employees will return from a day of giving back re-energized, better connected and more committed to their community.

2020 MLK Day of Service Impact




Completed Projects


Worth of Volunteer Labor[0]=68.ARDDHx00egJNZfcrAg1EqMcC9V6dY87ZyhbWanBXoNG07325cHOGqjEM9x2DCMPdEXKDMgUIuXLGjws6pxxs0P9y9iyOQPUA6-37cSShm2EAaR-mX84iXiyxYyxFgunFh-Ctk1CCtEcB026OHB85pHM6YgEFj4RPM6U5EhJBI635_sEhmsyjUSzlCLj3yE1WklVy826LV61xy2QbktVAtTpMce0-fWiXOcu7iWsGMEa3D4svT1-ZQoaOrkgc3W_Y5l_MuwCQuROUGf5rtGhpyLRxf55URSlFllkbt7mOQeEadE3GXYTFgricsc-mQJ-lRJbAg9-239uNyqlvWwrhgN5ffE06zxLroIzHqBTHHJNB6g6RP5xAMDhNu-LBUKttX3rMKWN7AkTg6xcsl_oLehBNH9cU6BaeJirs9sO5LO-8NB0P0y9RsRUQ4fv_6ad1nmXrATs&__tn__=-R
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Thanks to these 2021 Generous Event Sponsors