Your Day of Caring Resource Roundup

By United Way of King County, on August 3, 2015 | In Volunteering

You can still squeak on in there. Day of Caring is a few sunshiny (we hope) weeks away, but registration for agency projects is closing soon.

Can’t think of how you could use a few extra hands? Have time to spare to do that weeding and hallway repainting yourself?

We kid, we kid. That would never happen. Log in and register your projects here.

Another invitation—please join us, Emerging Leaders and Day of Caring sponsors at the Sept. 15 volunteer party. Free food and drinks! Plus, opportunities to spread the word about your agency will be a-plenty.

RSVP here

Speaking of plugs for your agency, check out how to have a worry-free Day of Caring.

Other Day of Caring questions? Email Oh, happy day!


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