Spreading The Love, One Volunteer At A Time
Guest blogger Kelsey Perrin works in Marketing at Nordstrom, and is an Emerging Leader at United Way. Recently she led a second Saturday volunteer project. Read on to hear more about it!
Valentine’s Day: Love it or hate it, chances are you’re doing something to partake in the celebration, whether that’s spending a romantic evening with your significant other or going out with your girlfriends to celebrate “Singles Awareness Day.”
For some women, Valentine’s Day doesn’t feel special; it’s just like any other day – a struggle to get by. But a group of United Way Emerging Leaders were determined to change that with our Second Saturday volunteer project at the YWCA’s Angeline’s Center. Angeline’s is a drop-in center for women who are experiencing homelessness. Up to 250 women use this center each day for various reasons: for safety, counseling, meals, laundry, showers, connection to additional services, connection to people, and more.
Fifteen Emerging Leaders spent the morning of February 14 volunteering and preparing a special Valentine’s Day lunch: scrubbing the dining room, decorating each table with flowers and candy, helping with the meal, and finally serving the women at the drop-in center. I knew we were a big help in making the meal happen as we assisted a small staff to serve two lunch shifts for dozens of diners. But what I didn’t realize was how special we would make the women feel. Several women stood up and beamingly thanked us for taking the time to serve them, making their Valentine’s Day a little bit brighter.
It was a great reminder that a small commitment of our time can make a big difference.
Emerging Leaders is a group for people in their 20s or 30s who are interested in getting involved with their community through United Way. Sign up to receive monthly invitations to upcoming events like second Saturday volunteer projects!