Posts in: "Emerging Leaders Volunteer Events"

Connecting to the Breakfast Challenge on a Personal Level

Growing up, I struggled in school and would misbehave often. While I had the unconditional love of my family, we struggled like many other families and not having breakfast was normal. Research now shows us there is a strong correlation between childhood hunger and children struggling in school. Read Article

For young pros, Saturdays are for giving back

Young professionals give back with United Way as Emerging Leaders as well as network with community leaders. It’s about lending a hand and shaking hands with people from all different industries, neighborhoods and backgrounds. Find out what they do and how you can join. Read Article

Giving back really bears fruit

Guest blogger Jordan McKerney is a marketing communications professional and a volunteer with the United Way Emerging Leaders marketing committee, where she focuses on planning and promoting volunteer opportunities. Check out their recent volunteer success. Read Article