Undoing decades of Native homelessness
Think you know U.S. history? What about the forced separation… Read Article
Think you know U.S. history? What about the forced separation… Read Article
Seattle said no to head tax. What’s next? We’re hearing this: Companies and individuals will say yes to something that works. Here are four strategies we’re saying yes to with our donors to truly help end the homelessness crisis. Read Article
Do you have a long school supplies list for your kids? Back-to-school haircuts and shoes to get through the year? You’re invited to the Family Resource Exchange on Aug. 16. Read Article
Jeff wanted to make a positive impact where there was so much negativity: social media. “I’d seen Facebook used by some of my neighbors to demonize the people and families battling homelessness in Seattle,” he said. “I decided to channel my sadness and frustration over this into something positive.” Read Article
Discouraged by the recent news on the homeless count? Read these 4 ways our community is making real progress to move people off the streets. Read Article
What does the 2018 One Night Count show for Seattle and King County homelessness? What role can affordable housing play? Read answers to these questions and what other solutions should go into effect to move people out of homelessness. Read Article
Seattle is an amazing town, one Stone Gossard is proud to be from: "It's the kind of place that if we really come together and focus on something, we can accomplish results beyond what people expect. To move that marker so that we really begin to understand homelessness in a new way..." Pearl Jam's Home Shows will raise money to fight homelessness. Read Article
Collin is experiencing homeless. “Most of my days, by nine, I’m about ready to pull my hair out because it’s so stressful out there." But at last month's Community Resource Exchange he found nothing but people who wanted to help him succeed, including those at the promising Jobs Connect job fair. Read Article
Last month, at our first-ever Changemakers Rally, attendees had… Read Article
Seattle’s homelessness crisis is unacceptable and requires bold, urgent action. There are numerous reasons why 5,000 people will sleep on our streets tonight and it's our collective problem—and our collective responsibility—to our fellow human beings, to solve it. But we need changes to solutions in place. Read Article