Posts in: "Emerging Leaders Volunteer Events"


Give kids a head-start in their education

Did you know that three out of four low-income kids in Washington are behind their peers when they start kindergarten? Give kids a head-start in their education at this fun Emerging Leaders project creating literacy kits for little learners. Read More


Outdoor volunteering at Marra Farms

Make the most of outdoors in the beautiful Pacific Northwest while making a difference in your community. Join a group of Emerging Leaders who will literally roll up their sleeves and get their hands dirty by helping grow and provide fresh, healthy food to those in need. Read More


Help FareStart support our community

FareStart is an amazing (and delicious) partner of United Way's. The organization helps people overcome the barriers to employment by developing the work and life skills they need to have lifelong careers. Come prepare a meal with other Emerging Leaders in the FareStart Community Meals kitchen! Read More


Join Comcast Cares Day at Mary’s Place

United Way is partnering with Comcast for their 17th annual Comcast Cares Day. Join us to support Mary's Place with spring cleaning projects and be part of Comcast's efforts to support volunteerism in our communities. Read More