How much do you know about homelessness?
How much do you about homelessness in King County? Take this quick quiz and find out! Read Article
How much do you about homelessness in King County? Take this quick quiz and find out! Read Article
Homeless? Got a spouse, a child or a pet? These things would preclude you from getting into a shelter in Seattle and King County. Read Article
In Seattle, you might think that all available jobs get filled up. NOT TRUE! Jobs in our area go unfilled everyday. That's where Jobs Connect comes in and helps those experiencing homelessness CONNECT to jobs. Check it out! Read Article
When Ariel first experienced homelessness last winter, she lost more than a roof over her head. She lost something valuable and irreplaceable. She feared she would never get it back. “Hope. I needed hope badly because I was getting really depressed because it’s very scary being homeless.” Read Article
The Community Resources Exchange connected more than one thousand clients to essential resources all under one roof. Bill, an Army Ranger with US Special Forces in Desert Storm, was able to get a haircut, new shoes, and much needed dental work. Read Article
Downtown Seattle’s Metropolitan Improvement District has never given a second thought to bestowing the dignified title of ambassador to Seattle’s homeless, making the employer an ideal partner to launch United Way of King County’s Jobs Connect program. The first wave of Jobs Connect participants are performing four-week temporary stints as street maintenance ambassadors for the MID. Wearing orange vests and clutching brooms and dust pans, the workers are teamed with full-time MID ambassadors, some of whom can relate personally, having once been homeless themselves. Read Article
When Mary and Anthony saw a photographer taking portraits at the Exchange, their eyes lit up! It was the perfect way to capture their feelings for each other. Read Article
Inspiration check! Bob and his infectious spirit got a bit of an early birthday present at the Resource Exchange. Since he lost his job, he’s struggled with homelessness. Now he’s running a day program for men facing the same struggles. Read Article
Melodie was at home when the apartment above her caught fire. The smoke was too much for her asthma and it forced her to leave her apartment. She found herself homeless. She found help at the Resource Exchange. Read Article
Jobs Connect helps Seattle's homeless off the streets and into a job. Check out how! Read Article