Positive Exchanges

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Generous companies like Starbucks, Alaska Airlines, AT&T, Microsoft,… Read Article

Inspired by people helping people become financially stable

Hear from our Community Connections VISTA team member, Charlotte Gavell, whose first day with us as a VISTA was spent scavenger hunting and visiting a United Way Free Tax Prep site. You’ll be hearing from her and her fellow VISTA’s as they share with us their experience in joining us in the fight against poverty. Read Article

Not Invisible

Feeling invisible is persistent for people experiencing homelessness. We need to remember the importance of really SEEING people who are homeless. And we can. Read Article

Why the need for data collecting for people experiencing homelessness

Imagine this…you’re homeless for the first time and you go to a local agency seeking help. You’re embarrassed, you’re scared, and you have no idea what to expect. The agency staff are calming and empathetic. And then they start asking you questions…lots of questions. About your situation, about your family, and about things that at that moment don’t feel all that important. Read Article

VISTA visits Fare Start – It’s a good thing

Meet Alexis, one of our newest VISTA team members. Alexis will be working as one of our Hunger Free Schools/Nutrition Hub VISTA's. Wow, now that's a title, but an important one to an important issue. Read on about her first day as a VISTA at United Way. Read Article