Posts in: "News"

Project LEAD Graduates Shape Our Community

On the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, the celebration of 47 people of color about to serve their community had us extra proud. Project LEAD (Leadership, Effectiveness and Diversity) is a month-long training program to prepare people of color to serve on nonprofit boards. The training comes to an end with a recruitment fair, where nonprofits get to meet potential new board members, and a graduation celebration. Read Article

1,300 More Kids Now Ready For Kindergarten

The Parent-Child Home Program zeroes in on the opportunity gap by supporting parents during the crucial years of children’s development… and it’s working. Thanks to you, and all of our generous donors, we’re now able to reach even more kids and families to prepare them to start kindergarten ready to succeed. We have all sorts of numbers and figures to prove this program’s impact, but this says it all: Kids in the program are 30 percentage points more likely to graduate than their peers. Read Article